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DIY Cool Yoga Towl


Hot yoga is an amazing workout that challenges your balance and strength as well as providing a cardio workout. However, hot temperatures mixed with a challenging workout can result in one sweaty yogi! Nothing will leave you more refreshed than not only a good workout but finishing feeling cool and smelling great. That’s why a DIY yoga towel can be a fantastic way to clean up after a session on the mat! Here is what you will need:

  • 1 gallon freezer bag

  • Gym towel

  • Medium sized bowl

  • Water

  • Fridge or freezer

  • STATERA™ essential oil

After you have your supplies at hand you’ll want to fill your bowl with approximately 1/3 cup of water. Add two drops of essential oil, we recommend 1 drop of Lavender and 1 drop of Peppermint but Melissa can be a nice edition as well, you can change it up every time! Soak the towel in your oil and water mixture absorbing as much of the water and oil as possible. Squeeze out any excess water by twisting the towel over a sink. Fold or roll the towel, place in the freezer bag, seal and place in your fridge or freezer. After your shavasana, grab your cool towel inhale in the aroma and use the towel to wipe down your hard work! Be cautious to avoid your eyes with the towel. You can make several towels at a time to have on hand.

Extra tip: Check out our blog on keeping your yoga mat clean too! You can use the same towel with the yoga mat cleaner to wipe down your mat as well 😊



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